october · self love

About self-love

A few days ago I went on a book promotion of famous Croatian writer and sociologist, whom I won’t name. He mostly writes about self-love, love toward your family and friends and his books belong to the self-help category. In 1 hour we went through various themes, including how important it is to love yourself and to your see good features as significant ones and also why it is important to forgive or learn how to forgive. At the end of the promotion he was signing his books and my mother went up to him and told him to sign it for me. And that is when he asked her how old I was (I am 17) and when she answered him he look at her almost confused and told her that he thinks it is to early for me to read his books because they are a type of self-help books. He pretty much told her that it is too early for me to learn how to love myself and appreciate my good features equally as my bad ones. This really bothered me (and my mother also wasn’t very indifferent about it), so let me introduce myself to you and that way explain to you why exactly  it bothered me.

I am 17. I have anxiety and I have been fighting with it and panic attacks on top of that for almost 8 years now. I had a period in my life where I was depressed and had extremely bad suicidal thoughts. My confidence is pretty much non-existent and I blame myself for every little thing that happens that I know is not my fault in any way. I never loved myself or my body and I still don’t but I am trying really hard to change that.

I hope you now understand why what he said really set me off. And I also hope you agree that there is no early time to start loving yourself and learning how to value yourself as much as you deserve.


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SO GOOD BYE FOR NOW, MY FRIENDS (if anyone is even reading)

2 thoughts on “About self-love

  1. That’s a very strange thing for the author to say.. Maybe he meant well but it came out wrong? Either way, I think self love is important for everyone, no matter what their age, gender or stage in life!

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