important · january · writing


A lot of people run away from their own feelings, including myself and maybe you – the person reading this. Running away can be detected in various ways. You can pretend what you are feeling isn’t real. Also, you can refuse to fathom your feelings, to split it to their essence. Of course you can always literally run away from your feelings. You can “block” yourself from feeling something, or better said, you can block yourself from showing those feelings.

It’s a shitty world, I know. Everyone wants to protect themselves from getting emotionally hurt. But think about it, if you do these things to prevent yourself from getting hurt, feeling hurt, pain, sadness, unhappiness etc. you are also limiting the amount of great feelings that make our life worth living.

Tears are not just from sadness, are they? Laughing or smiling isn’t always a showcase of a happy emotion. Pain isn’t necessarily bad. Forget now for just a second what you learned about positive and negative emotions and feelings. Life is about finding exceptions to the rules. No one should go through life looking it in black and white, defining something as purely good or purely bad without any mix between those contrasted emotions. So dare to feel.

I think this is enough said about this topic, and I hope I left you wanting to think about what I said here. If you want to add something or even tell me I am wrong, I welcome you to do so in the comments bellow.
Thank you for reading!

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5 thoughts on “Feelings

  1. Hello there 🙂 Thanks for sharing this. I really appreciate what you said regarding life being about finding the exceptions to the rules. That is such a simple statement, but is so true. So thanks for the wonderful reminder. Have a beautiful day!

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