march · writing

Writing and fighting

As a writer, or whatever you want to call someone like me, I found sitting down and writing a post a very special thing. I love writing even if I know I am going to write a page and delete it. I love to press these letters even if I don’t have any idea what to write about. The feeling of inspiration striking and the gathering of your thought as you write is probably one of the best feelings ever.

I don’t know if everyone here understands that these sit down and just write post, I exclusively write for myself and if you enjoy it that is a plus, but you liking it isn’t a necessary goal of mine. I am not trying to be that entertaining or amusing. I am quite literally having a conversation with myself in written form and choose to publish it for you I miss you a littleto read if that is something you want. Of course I am pleased when people like and comment my posts, and when my words get read, don’t take it the wrong way.

I also think that this way you get quality content and you get to understand something about the way I think, it rather is an intimate thing to share. At the end of the day I am picking my own post topics and I should be the one who is proud of this text you are reading.

Today, therefore, I decided to write about being young and “stupid”, how the media and grown ups perceive the future generations. I got inspiration for this just yesterday when I remembered the word that were once said to me, not so long ago.

Well, someone older said to me and one of my friends: You young people are just rebels without a right cause, you want everything to be the way you think it should be and the other way is wrong. What was said isn’t that bad or far away from the truth when you take it out of the context, but let me show you why was this sentence said to make you understand what I am trying to talk about today.

We were discussing gender roles, feminism and homophobia with someone twice our age who is also a female (important for the rest of the text, not trying to imply anything else). These words were said after me and my friend stated how women are not payed the same, they are discriminated and have a harder time to gain the deserved respect. They  were also said on the topic of gay marriage as something that should be normal and a constitutional right.

If you have been following my work for some time you know how passionate I am about those topics. I am opinionated and vocal, but understanding in a way that I do not try to make someone understand me or what I am standing for. However I deserve and ask for some respect, and I am not going to have it any other way. Of course the “other side” does the complete opposite, this time trying to convince me that there is nothing to do there, it is how it’s been for years and how it clearly should be. That is why I am standing against every single word said in that opening sentence. That is why I am talking about this today.

That person tried to tell me to stop fighting for something I believe in, for something that so many other great people do. She told me to give up. She told me to “grow up”. But I will say this right away, if giving up on humanity,on equality and fighting for what’s good means growing up, I wish never to grow up. If it means to be smaller, to forget, to shut up and watch all of these things happening without doing anything, I am here forward promising that I won’t grow up. Never, in that way.



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