april · instagram

Coffee shops in Zagreb you should visit

I have been living in Zagreb for about half a year now. The thing with being in the biggest and capital city of a country is that you literally have all sorts of things to visit. I mean you can go every single day in a different coffee shop and not visit them all. So today I am going to refer to some of the special and different cafes you should stop by if you are ever in Zagreb. This list will probably be larger by time so there is a chance of doing a second edition of this post if the interest shows up to be good. Let us start with the list! 


First, let’s mention one of the trendiest cafes right now. This is Greenery Procaffe shop that has one of the best interiors I have ever seen, so definitely check their Instagram out! (I’ll just mention they have swings as stools.) But the most interesting thing is, as you see in the photos above, they can print anything you want on your coffee. Here we have one of their done prints and the other is an actual photo of my boyfriend and me. This place is right now the only one that offers this option in Croatia so it is always full of people who want to get their coffee. And what is also great, the prices are not too expensive which was very surprising to me.



This is Potter coffee shop. As you can see the interior is amazing, but not to be deceived by the name it is probably Harry Potter inspired but not a lot of things actually give a real homage to the series. Nonetheless, it is a place to go see and I feel so guilty that I didn’t get more photos to show you the atmosphere of this place, and it definitely helps that they have some amazing hot chocolates (I drank a peanut butter one).




This is Croatia’s very first (and right now the only one) cat caffe. It really is an attraction, but if you ask me an attraction to visit once because trying to drink coffee and having a nice conversation while attempting to keep the cats off the drink is too intense for me. Their menu offers so many different and special drinks, like this glitter coffee with cream and all the names are cat related. It is a cat lovers heaven, that’s for sure, but only if you have enough patience.


That would be all for now. Thank you for your patience and interest, I hope you liked the post. The list of amazing coffee shops in Zagreb is definitely bigger but I decided to start with only a few so I can have a possibility to make similar posts in the future. 

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