christmas · travel · travelling

Christmas on Small Town Blogger

Not going to apologize about being absent, I was actually more focused on my Instagram page so it is not like I haven’t been doing anything. But it comes a time when my fingertips miss the feeling of tapping onto a keyboard, so I have come back to do my annual Christmas season posts. I actually have no idea what am I going to write about, except a travel post about my weekend in Munich where I experienced their kind of advent, a possible haul from Munich and a review of advent in Zagreb (as I did last year). If you have any suggestions be free to send them!

The Munich travel post will be out this weekend, so either tomorrow or the day after, so stay tuned!




My summer outfits

I just wanted to make a short post about what outfit pieces I have been loving lately and to show you where they are from, so this is kind of a small try-on haul if you think about it. This is going to be super short but I hope you like it and feel at least a bit inspired. 🙂

If you have been looking at my insta (@smalltownblogger) you probably already saw this outfit. These pants are crazy awesome and I got them at Pull&Bear on sale during the after Christmas sales, but I am sure there are a lot of similar pairs in high street places like Zara, H&M, etc. The shirt is new, a gift from my boyfriend (therefore the heart on the shoulder, I know  🤣), this one is from H&M but I think it sold out. Shoes are the Puma suede platforms I have been loving for over I year now, as well as my trusty Snob sunglasses.

Okay, so these are two outfits but the central piece is the same so I decided to put them together. It is a two piece set of a crop top and skirt from Missguided that I actually thrifted (and that was my first thrifting ever!!), I can’t believe I got them both for like 7€ maybe even less. First outfit version is more casual with my leather Converse and my jean jacket from Mango that I got maybe half a year ago, something like that. The second outfit was my special date outfit and I completed it by a kimono from Yamamay (that was actually also thrifted) and some platform lace-up shoes from Mass.

The last outfit is probably the simplest and personally the cutest. This is my new floral summer dress from Zara I got a few months ago and couldn’t wait to wear it. I completed the look with my new red sunglasses I got in Muller and my new black mules which are unfortunately not in the picture.


That would be all for today folks, I hope you like this short little post/haul/I don’t know what it is. Thank you for reading!

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anxiety · may

Mental illness and mental health


    Mental illness, or also known as a mental disorder is a topic that has been getting more media coverage in the last decade, but when it comes to the solution and general knowledge the “invisible” problem of all mental illnesses we did not really come that far. The words that best describe the circumstances of why it is important to dispute about mental illness and mental health are the words from Director-General of WHO: “Mental health has been hidden behind a curtain of stigma and discrimination for too long. It is time to bring it out into the open.”  (2003:3)  This essay will, therefore, try to address the problem and break the stigma that surrounds mental illness by trying to present importance of mental health to our everyday lives.

   The biggest misunderstandings and stigma about mental illness are due to the fact that it is not a visible sickness, a person can have depression, anxiety etc. and on the first look seem healthy and well. That is, why when dealing with mental illnesses, we have to be extra cautious to actually recognize signs of particular disorders. The importance of this lays in prevention and a lot of it has to do with suicide prevention, especially if we are talking about depression. Suicide prevention sometimes has more to do with people surrounding the person than experts in the psychology field since quite often patients do not ask for help directly and this is where the education about mental illnesses is crucial and to know about it means to talk about it, without stigma.

    In this day and age, it seems that mental health comes as a low priority on everyone’s lists, but to lead a healthy life the concept of mental health needs to be taken into the equation as one of the key factors. The World Health Organization defined mental health as:  “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. ” (2003:7) They also stress the importance of levelling the scales between physical and mental scale, something that the world is not thinking about enough. Mental health affects the whole society, not only those who have it impaired and that is why awareness about this situation is needed and some actions should be taken immediately.

   On the topic of prevention and education, we can also talk about preventing mental illnesses altogether. For example, training teachers and parents to recognize potential problems has proven to be effective in prevention (WHO, 2003). Depression is one of the most common mental disorders, affecting around 340 million people all over the world (WHO, 2004) and solely for that reason educating about positive thinking and improving problem-solving skills can better a lot of lives, as well as save them.

    In conclusion, mental illness is a universal problem that has been surrounded by stigma and not treated as a proper illness, when compared to physical illnesses. Mental health is a key factor in leading a healthy life and promoting it needs to be a measure taken by public institutions like schools which will lead to breaking the stigma of mental illness.



World Health Organization, Preventing Mental Disorders: Effective Interventions and Policy Options, Summary Report, (2004) France

World Health Organization, Investing in Mental Health, (2003) Nove Impressions, Switzerland

http___signatures.mylivesignature.com_54493_157_FA4B4A182DF1537DBD53322870A28D28Social media:
Instagram: @smalltownblogger


october · writing

Big city girl

Yes, now I am officially a small town blogger living in a big city (my new instagram bio if you haven’t caught that yet @smalltownblogger ). I always thought this would be a great change in my life, everything will be different but I have found myself in the same routine however lacking a few important people, their physical presence at least. This is the first post I am writing after the big move and I still didn’t become one of those people sitting in a coffee shop working on their laptop but it seems I soon will because my dorm internet isn’t the fastest. On the topic of my dorm I don’t have a clue should I post something on that note and if you would find it helpful since school year has already started. We will see how writing this blog will progress whilst I am here, so no promises for now.

I still need to get used to some parts of this new lifestyle but all of this wasn’t as a shock for my organism as I thought it would be, maybe because I was preparing myself for months. Of course it has just been a couple of days, a lot can change in a week and even more in a month. I have a lot more time for myself and a lot more time to think, which can be both bad and good. But what I love here is that fall is already in its’ full power and I absolutely love fall as people who have been with this blog for a while already know. So excited for wearing boots and jumpers this year since that is going to be pretty much all I will be wearing.

Meeting new people isn’t that fun because I always feel very awkward during the introducing and generally talking to someone I don’t know that well at all, however I am managing it somehow. The acute loneliness and homesickness hasn’t yet started and I think that is because my brain hasn’t really processed fully how I am not going to see some people for months,  but I do feel it hiding somewhere in the corner waiting to hit me with its’ full strength. It is very curious how long my posts are here because I am pretty much treating this post as a journal entry but who cares, right? 😀  I guess this is kind of an update post that you might not find that interesting because it is all about me and my life, but I will definitely post different posts soon. Actually I already prepared a post on my 2 day vacation in Split with my boyfriend. Since I do have a lot of free time this week it will probably come out shortly after this one if I don’t sprung upon major internet issues.

Well, that will be all for this post. If you want to closely follow my student lifestyle be sure to follow my blog instagram where I am daily active. It is listed down below and if you are on the desktop version also on the right. Thank you for reading, I hope I will see you in my next post!


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Tumblr: girlonfire-youtube-lover
Instagram: @smalltownblogger 