important · june · summer · writing

Every summer

Today officially is the first day of summer on the Northern Hemisphere, so most of us bloggers decided to dedicate a blog post to that particular occasion.

I, myself, wanted to talk and make a list of things that happen every single summer and take a humoristic twist to the topic.


  1. You get hooked on that one specific song that become your summer 2016 (or an other year) song. By the end of the year, the songs becomes so boring and annoying that you cannot event understand why you liked it in the first place.
  2. Every summer your goal is to read more or to exercise more because you have more free time. In the end all you do in your free time is sleep, and occasionally some catching up with your friends because they want to be sure you are actually alive.
  3. This summer I am going to get so tan that people will think I went to a solarium, you say to yourself every year. The reality is, you get sunburnt and red everywhere. It is so painful, but you will at least get some tan – of course that does not turn out like that. The colour is not as nearly tan as it was red, and you still cannot go outside without everyone asking you why are you still so pale.
  4. You make a summer whishlist/to do list even though you can almost immediately see that being disappointing in the end.
  5. Now one for all make-up lovers. I am going to control the oiliness of my skin this year and not look like I went for a mile run after 15 minutes I left the house. I am going to prepare, buy every single product available and control it. Either you realized there is no way of controlling that or you keep your entire makeup bag as close as you can wherever you go.
  6. Saying you are going to practice a foreign language with foreigners, but end up just speaking English because you are too afraid to not sound perfect even thought the person talking to you in English probably doesn’t even speak English well at all.  So, you end up being a fool because you realize you know their language far better than they know English.
  7. You are trying to eat healthier. It sounds as a good if you think about all of the great fruits that grow in summer, but also fast foods are now opening on every corner (like there already wasn’t one in a 5 minute walking radius). Mission sabotaged!
  8. Thinking about getting a new hobby. That works. Sometimes. For about a week.
  9. Not leaving the work for the last few days, but doing it gradually whilst you are on vacation. Let’s be honest, no one is thinking about doing work while they have some time off work.

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