april · instagram

Coffee shops in Zagreb you should visit

I have been living in Zagreb for about half a year now. The thing with being in the biggest and capital city of a country is that you literally have all sorts of things to visit. I mean you can go every single day in a different coffee shop and not visit them all. So today I am going to refer to some of the special and different cafes you should stop by if you are ever in Zagreb. This list will probably be larger by time so there is a chance of doing a second edition of this post if the interest shows up to be good. Let us start with the list! 


First, let’s mention one of the trendiest cafes right now. This is Greenery Procaffe shop that has one of the best interiors I have ever seen, so definitely check their Instagram out! (I’ll just mention they have swings as stools.) But the most interesting thing is, as you see in the photos above, they can print anything you want on your coffee. Here we have one of their done prints and the other is an actual photo of my boyfriend and me. This place is right now the only one that offers this option in Croatia so it is always full of people who want to get their coffee. And what is also great, the prices are not too expensive which was very surprising to me.



This is Potter coffee shop. As you can see the interior is amazing, but not to be deceived by the name it is probably Harry Potter inspired but not a lot of things actually give a real homage to the series. Nonetheless, it is a place to go see and I feel so guilty that I didn’t get more photos to show you the atmosphere of this place, and it definitely helps that they have some amazing hot chocolates (I drank a peanut butter one).




This is Croatia’s very first (and right now the only one) cat caffe. It really is an attraction, but if you ask me an attraction to visit once because trying to drink coffee and having a nice conversation while attempting to keep the cats off the drink is too intense for me. Their menu offers so many different and special drinks, like this glitter coffee with cream and all the names are cat related. It is a cat lovers heaven, that’s for sure, but only if you have enough patience.


That would be all for now. Thank you for your patience and interest, I hope you liked the post. The list of amazing coffee shops in Zagreb is definitely bigger but I decided to start with only a few so I can have a possibility to make similar posts in the future. 

http___signatures.mylivesignature.com_54493_157_FA4B4A182DF1537DBD53322870A28D28Social media:
Instagram: @smalltownblogger
Email: medicmagdalena@gmail.com



september · writing

What’s my type?

Recently I came to think how people sometimes end up doing something or being with someone who they could swear they would. Life is full of surprises and usually we are the ones that can surprise ourselves the most.

So on that note, today I wanted to talk about types. Do people really have a type when it comes to romantic and sexual attraction? I know it is not just me that falls for someone who is out of normal characteristics that my type is made of. And now the second time around that situation really made me stop and question do I really have a type or any preference at all when it comes to dating someone, since I never actually fell for my type. It’s a curious thing isn’t it. I never liked blue eyes but my last 2 relationships (out of total 3 in my life) involved a partner that has blue eyes. Yes, yes, I know they are just eyes but that is a characteristic that in no way corresponds with my type, in fact it is the pure opposite.

I have no idea when the cliche of liking someone for who they are became true, that cliche is something we all always wanted to believe but never really did. You get what I mean? The whole WHO THEY ARE IS IMPORTANT became bullshit ever since the entire dating world changed. You usually meet your ‘partner’ in a bar or a club, or you just swipe right 😂, how the hell could you know who that person is? Everything sped up and getting into relationships wasn’t an exception either. But maybe we are getting back to how things were before all this fast craziness. Maybe looks really got replaced by conversations and real interests. I guess when you seek a deeper connection with someone your type isn’t important or even it is the last thing you think about.

A few weeks ago I heard an interesting theory that the person in our life is never the wrong person for us, only we can be the wrong version of ourselves and the more I thought about it the more I started to agree with that view. People in our life come and go all the time, and not to think they are in our lives for some reason that is specific and unique to us and who we as people are is crazy. In this view the definition of a type has blurred lines and it is basically irrelevant. Recent events in my life showed me that sometimes you get exactly what you need even thought you might never came to think you need that in the first place.

That would be it for today and this post. Thank you for reading this post and I hope you’ll see me in my next one whenever that will be!


Social media:
Tumblr: girlonfire-youtube-lover
Instagram: @smalltownblogger 
Email: medicmagdalena@gmail.com

anxiety · june · writing

Exam Anxiety – How to keep it down

I haven’t post a while, but I do have a good reason for that. I am currently in the stage of studying for my finals (and as of today I did half of my finals). That’s why I didn’t really have any new ideas or even time to do something on here, but I said to myself listen make the best of your situation. So I decided to write a post about how to keep down your anxiety during finals or any exam therefore. I hope this post will help you to deal with your anxiety the best you can.


  • Breathe, breathe, breathe!

    I cannot stress how important it is to breathe in and out calmly. Not only it helps you stay calm it also prevents hyperventilating. If you are walking to the place you are taking your test do this for most of your walk, if not then before you start writing whatever is in front of you (before you take a look at tasks). It really helps you gather all those positive thoughts you have and push all negative voices hiding in your head.

  • Always wake up with 30 minutes to spare. 

    Take your time getting ready, do everything you have to do calmly like you have nowhere to go. Also you never know, a panic attack could happen and you cannot be late. It is a good time to have little extra time.

  • Prepare you clothes and bag the night before. 

    You should do this ahead because you are calm at this stage and have less chance to forget something you need. Besides you can prepare that favourite shirt you love that brings you luck and comfort, since that cannot be a bad thing to have.

  • Make a relaxing song playlist.
    This can also be good if you are walking to the place in combination with breathing exercises, but if you aren’t walking then you can listening to it whilst getting ready and doing your makeup. I find music very therapeutic in dealing with anxiety and stress, so much that when I had at least one panic attack a weak I couldn’t leave my house without headphones.

  • Stop and have a talk with yourself. 

    This can be done however you like, vocally our with your inner voice in your head. You can combine it with some other techniques or just literally sit down in your house before leaving and tell yourself you got this, you prepared for it and it is going to be alright. This way you also prevent that little mean voice in your head that is always saying how incompetent you are.

  • Don’t skip breakfast and a glass of water.
    It doesn’t take a genius to tell that hunger plus dehydration plus anxiety equals catastrophe. So please take good care of yourself and eat at least a chocolate bar to give you some energy to fight off the stress.

  • Try not to go to bed too late.
    I know a lot of people pull all nighters before exams and that could work for some people, but I do not recommend that to someone who has anxiety. It is hard enough, but with sleep deprivation it is even harder to stay calm. Try to get a few hours of sleep and maybe a nice, quick shower in the morning. It really works wonders.

That would be all I have to say folks. These things keep my anxiety down and help me to concentrate and give my best. If you have some of your tips please do write them down, so I and others can read them! Thank you for your attention once again.


Social media:
Tumblr: girlonfire-youtube-lover
Instagram: @smalltownblogger 
Email: medicmagdalena@gmail.com



beginning · new year · resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions – 2017

I have been sick for the past week, so unfortunately there wasn’t any sequels to the Christmas series which I am so upset about, but it is what it is. Next year I will write ahead!

Now, for today’s post I am continuing the tradition of writing my resolutions here on my blog as I did last year. If you are interested in seeing my last year resolutions and how man of them did I complete or kept up click here! 

And let’s begin with the new ones! (In the comments write your main resolution if you have one or even one that is similar to mine!)


  1. Travel somewhere new (stay overnight in a hotel). √
  2. Read more (10 non-obligatory books )
  3. Enroll in a good university this fall.
  4. Experiment with new clothing pieces.
  5. Write more off-blog.
  6. Bring back reviews.
  7. Do something spontaneously.
  8. Love yourself.
  9. Bring more colour to your wardrobe and life in general.
  10. Get made an amazing dress for prom.√ (bought it but still…)
  11. Decorate your new apartment!√ (it’s a dorm room)
  12. Try to remember mostly the good things, and get over the bad ones.
  13. Do not overreact as much.
  14. Do some paid work for something you are passionate about.
  15. Maybe do a course (photography, drawing, creative writing, etc.)
  16. Try to write more on a weekly basis.
  17. Step up your instagram!
  18. Learn a new language.√ (kind of, I am actually trying to become fluent in italian)
  19. Learn something new about yourself.
  20. Love. Unconditionally.

http___signatures.mylivesignature.com_54493_157_FA4B4A182DF1537DBD53322870A28D28Social media:

Tumblr: girlonfire-youtube-lover
Instagram: @smalltownblogger_m
Email: medicmagdalena@gmail.com



beginning · update · writing

Scary future

I am at a place in my life where I have to decide what I want to be. The deadline for that decision is coming so soon that I can feel it even and I still do not know what to sign up for.

It is so scary having to decide your future through just one thing. It is so scary having to decide it while you are not even 18. It is so scary to decide what will you do for the rest of your life.

For the longest time I have known I want to be a forensic anthropologist and that I wanted to study for that abroad in UK. But I crossed UK as a country of my future education at some point of last year. I am not 100% sure why. It is probably a mix of things. A mix of feeling unwanted and unimportant due to the new law they brought, finding and building relationships I cannot bear to break with the distance, finding happiness in the form I never thought I could. Life happened and I moved on. I still want the same job but to get it here is a different story, so I began with a blank slate keeping my dream somewhere close where I can always reach for it.

I have grown, I know that. I have learned so much this past year and I am happy where I am at. And now my next move is what? Something that is going to keep making me happy and that is going to allow me keeping the things and people, I cherish the most in my life, by my side.

So what is exactly that move, you are asking me? Well, you’ll find out as soon as I do.
I am optimistic and hopeful, so I would like to pass that onto you, everyone who is reading this.


Social media:
Tumblr: girlonfire-youtube-lover
Instagram: @smalltownblogger_m
Email: medicmagdalena@gmail.com