beginning · important · new year

15 things I learned in 2015

  1. Sharing your work with other people can be liberating and it can give you so much confidence.
  2. Everyone deserves to be happy, even me.
  3. People will talk behind your back and judge you no matter what.
  4. Living the truth is hard, but worth it.
  5. You will be disappointed by the people you love the most, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care.
  6. Sometimes optimism isn’t as annoying as I presumed it to be.
  7. Usually things don’t go the way you plan them to, but in the end everything works out.
  8. Face masks and makeup free days are so important for your skin.
  9. I don’t want to be defined by anything else than the word human.
  10. It is ok to relax and not care every once in a while.
  11. Write when inspiration strikes, and don’t force writing to the point you don’t enjoy it anymore.
  12. I should probably work on expressing my feelings.
  13. It is good to try new things.
  14. Perfection does not exist so don’t try to achieve it.
  15. Don’t do something because it’s someone else’s idea of normal.

That will be it for the first post in 2016, I wish you all a happy and successful new year!

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SO GOOD BYE FOR NOW, MY FRIENDS (if anyone is even reading)

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